The sign above says Buttrum Road NE. The road is in Floyd County off Georgia Highway 140 just a couple of miles east of its intersection with Georgia 53. The road was named for the family of George W. Buttrum, Gladys Hall's grandfather.
The Buttrums, Carnes, and their ancestors
This webpage is devoted to the family of George W. Buttrum and Fannie Mae Carnes of Bartow County, Georgia, and their ancestors, including the Bagwell, Silvey, Adams, Bagwell, Hicks, Nowlin, Humphries, Brown, Perkins, and Cox families.
This website is one in a series devoted to the ancestors of Gladys Hall and Thiddo Smith of Northwest Georgia. Others in this series are:
The Collins in North Carolina and North Georgia
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Marion Smith, great-grandchild of George W. Buttrum and Fannie Mae Carnes.